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As we move into the season of Autumn, we may find ourselves feeling a bit melancholy. The days and nights begin to cool, and darkness comes early. The trees lose their leaves and soon will be bare. For some, the season and weather changes aren’t about hot apple cider and sitting by a cozy fire. It’s not about beautiful colorful leaves or cool crisp air. It’s not about friends, family, and gatherings. But rather, it’s about feeling down and lonely, or maybe even depressed. It’s about an overwhelming feeling of emptiness with no reason or explanation as to why exactly you’re feeling it, but it’s there. It’s there invading your life, affecting you and your relationships, your work, and your family time. It eats at you, consumes your thoughts, and prevents you from just simply enjoying life.

But God! When everyone and everything else has failed, God will be there. No one else can heal your broken heart the way God can. If you truly desire to know more about Him, God will reveal Himself to you. The closer you get to Him, the closer He will get to you.*  Little by little, He will replace your despair with the peace you didn’t even know you were longing for. The Bible says God loves us with an everlasting love and with His lovingkindness He draws us to Him.* What a comfort to know that He will be there for us, that He loves us and wants us to be with Him. Not just today or tomorrow, not only when it’s convenient for Him, but all the time no matter what. There is an answer! In God, we can find peace, healing, truth, and hope. God shows us the path of life and in His presence is fullness of joy.* His word is full of promises for you, God is waiting with open arms for you to take the next step. 

* Psalms 145:18-19
* Jeremiah 31:3
* Psalms 16:11

Are you ready for a change?
Jesus is waiting

 Come experience peace, healing, truth, and hope!

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